Empowered Transitions Counseling

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3 Things That Keep People From Realizing Their Goals

It is easy to set and have goals but working towards them is another story. Perhaps you have a set of goals, but you haven't achieved most of them yet. This may be because one or two obstacles emerge blocking the goal visualization to take place. The obstacles are just part of the journey; once you have identified them, learn to embrace them as things you can handle.


Roadblocks can be internal factors or external factors that deny you access to the visualization of goals. Roadblocks can be big or small, and in either case, you must learn how to overcome them to realize your goals. It can be a negative mindset, lack of focus, surrounding yourself with negative people, making excuses, holding onto the past, etc. Sometimes, it’s a simple as not adequately setting your goals, or forgetting to set realistic deadlines for them.


Fear is one of the most significant challenges that keep one from realizing your goals. It is a constant mental reminder that oppresses your capacity with lots of false evidence.


This happens when you want to start something or do something specific. The fear of failure shows up with a constant suggestion that you are not able to do it. People do not want to see their efforts get wasted.


Humans are social beings in one way or another; we want to please others with the hope that they will share the same feelings and passions that we have. We worry about our self-esteem with the possibility of having to take "no" for an answer.


With actions that you have completed and are comfortable with, you can easily see the benefits of; you know what to expect. Taking a risk, moving out of that comfort zone, the negative consequences seem to far outweigh the positive.


You fear that success will keep you from having the normal life like you're used to, or that becoming successful will be a stressful situation. Or maybe you don't want success to be taken away from you after you have achieved it.


Procrastinating is the thief of time. This proves to be true when you put your goals off until ‘someday’ or taking action when you ‘feel ready.’ The two are the worst killers of goal realization because ‘someday’ is not a time or day found in any calendar. You must set a clear plan by creating a time frame to assist you towards your goal visualization. Do not also wait for inspiration to come out of nowhere to inspire you to keep going.

Roadblocks, fears, and procrastination are killers of the visualization process. Do not take it as a ‘stop sign’ but a sign that you can acknowledge, face, and defeat the enemy of progress.

Fear and another whole host of reasons can be responsible for why we can’t realize and achieve our life goals. If you find that you have a difficult time in overcoming these obstacles, you can always turn to life coaches and other

professionals to help you transition from one point in your life to another.   

If you need additional support or help contact your local counseling office or reach out to me here at Empowered Transitions Counseling. The suggestions made in this post is for informational purposes please speak to your doctor or practitioner to create a plan that is best for you.


Healthy You Naturally | Top 6 Tips On How To Achieve Your Goals

The Urban Realist | 5 Roadblocks That Are Keeping You from Reaching Your Goals

Purify Essential Oils | What is Goal Setting, Really?